tells the deep history of food cooperatives in America — the country's longest-surviving alternative economic system.


FOOD FOR CHANGE  looks at the current resurgence of food cooperatives in America and their unique historic place in the economic and political landscape. Born in the heartland, cooperatives are seen as the middle path between Wall Street and Socialism.

FOOD FOR CHANGE examines the important historical role played by food co-ops, their pioneering quest for organic foods, and their current efforts to create regional food systems, strengthen local economies and build food security.

 Profiling several food co-ops that have revived neighborhoods and communities — right in the shadows of corporate agribusinesses and supermarket chains — it's an inspiring example of community-centered economies thriving in an age of globalization.

82 minutes

Directed by Steve Alves
Produced by Home Planet Pictures
Writer/Editor: Steve Alves
Co-Producers: Robert Allen, Andrew M. Curran
Camera: Alan Dater, Rawn Fulton, David Skillicorn, Daniel Keller
Animation & Graphics: Thom Dudley
Music: Joe Podlesny

"FOOD FOR CHANGE is about food coops as meaningful — and highly successful — alternatives to our country's current industrialized food system. It situates the cooperative movement in 20th century history and focuses on its role in social change by establishing deep roots in local communities. This film should inspire anyone interested in creating socially just, community supported, and economically viable enterprises."
Marion Nestle, Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, New York University, Author, Food Politics

"This film is absolutely a well-researched, superbly compiled and masterfully delivered work...It is an inspiring and emotionally passionate fruit of labor and compassion. It begs for sharing, opens the door to involvement and solution."
George Nelson, Farmer, Sweetbay Produce and Nursery, Huger, SC

"I felt energized by the movie. I loved all of the historical background and couldn't help feel that what we're doing will be historic someday too. The movie made me believe that we can do anything!"
Linda Balek, Steering Committee Member, Food Shed Co-op, Woodstock, IL (start-up co-op)